# Requirements
- Copy our information:
- Change your environment:
- E-mail protection settings.
- Web Content Filter protection settings.
- Verify:
- Define the people who will participate in the validation.
- Access the portal, or ask for our support, and send a validation e-mail campaign.
# Settings
The technical requirements are simple and we have this great guide to illustrate them, with several options and preference suggestions. In general, you need to ensure that the user will receive our messages and will be able to access our online training portal.
We recommend allowing all of our domains and IPs.
Minimun Requirements
You can choose "phishx.io", "phishx.com" and any other domain available as a minimum requirements.
If you need to allow only fully qualified domain name (FQDN), choose a hostname (Ex: "host"), and allow only "cdn.phishx.io" and "host.PHISHX_CHOSEN_DOMAIN".
If you have additional questions, we can make a conference call or send an e-mail to Customer Success.
We are available to help your teams.