# Types and objectives

Organize the templates

You can organize the templates using the Types, Objectives and Labels applied.

# Types

Templates types.

Type Description
E-mail Messages with advanced layout (HTML).
Text Messages with simplified layout (Text).
Attachment Attachments with advanced layout (HTML).
Action Step of the learning path with advanced layout (HTML).

# Objectives

Templates objectives.

Objective Description
Simulation Simulated messages (Phishing).
Communication Official company messages.
Training Training for your learning path.
Closure Closure for you learning path.
Quiz Questionnaires for your learning path.
Web Simulation Fake pages of applications and services (Web Phishing) for your learning path.
Redirection Redirect to other pages.
Policy Reading and accepting online policies for your learning path.
Documentation Reading and accepting online documents for your learning path.
Other Other objectives.

Last Updated: 2 years ago