# Connectors


  1. Create a New Connector in Mail flow -> Connectors. Add our current IPs list: IPs

# Settings

  1. Access the preview Microsoft 365 Exchange admin center.

    Exchange Admin Center (opens new window)

  2. Go to Connectors in menu: Mail flow -> Connectors.

    Reference (opens new window)

    Click Add a connector.

    Add a connector

  3. In New Connector -> Connection from select Partner organization.

    Click Next.

    New Connector

  4. In Connector name -> Name fill with "PhishX" and select Turn it on.

    Click Next.

    Connector name

  5. In Authenticating sent e-mail select By verifying that the IP address of the sending server matches one of the following IP addresses, which belong to your partner organization. Add our current IPs list: IPs.

    Click Next.

    Authenticating sent e-mail

  6. In Security restrictions select Reject e-mail messages if they aren't sent over TLS.

    Click Next.

    Security restrictions

  7. In Review Connector.

    Click Create connector.

    Review Connector

  8. In Connector created.

    Click Done.

    Connector created

    Connector created

Last Updated: 3 years ago