# Spam filter


  1. Create a new Spam Filter in protection -> spam filter. Add our current domains list: Domains

# Settings

  1. Access the current Microsoft 365 Exchange admin center.

    Exchange Admin Center (opens new window)

    Exchange Admin Center

  2. Go to spam filter in menu: protection -> spam filter.

    Add a new one. Click +.

    Reference (opens new window)

    New Connector

  3. In new spam filter policy -> *Name fill with "PhishX".


  4. In new spam filter policy -> Domains allow list -> Always deliver e-mail from the following domains to the inbox.

    Click +.

  5. In add allowed domain add our current domains list: Domains.

    Click Ok.


    Remove any extra spaces after paste.

    add allowed domain

    add allowed domain

  6. In new spam filter policy -> Applied To select The recipient domain is and add your own domains.

    Click Ok.

    Applied To

    Applied To

  7. Click Save.

    Update complete


    Connector created

    spam filter

Last Updated: 3 years ago